Face to Face Sessions 

Face to face sessions start at £65 for a 50 minute session this is for a weekday time slot, weekends and evenings are charged at the same rate.

Face to face sessions will be held in our counselling room,


On-Line Sessions

On-Line session start at £65 for a 50 minute session this is for a weekday time slot, weekends and evenings are charged a £65 per 50 minute session.

Concessionary Sessions

We have a limited number of concessionary priced appointments, these appointments are allocated taking into account the clients needs, they are available for the unemployed, OAPs receiving pension credit and any counselling student* who needs to undergo longer term counselling as part of their training.  

Cost of concessionary sessions £50

*Please note, it is counselling students responsibility to check with their college that our qualification fall in line with their accrediting bodies requirements and their own individual study requirements.